New Technology polyester polyols are composed of at least 65% recycled materials that were previously considered waste eligible for incineration. Our company brings these materials back into circulation, allowing them to be reused in the automotive industry (some interior components), the footwear industry (soles), and the construction industry (PUR foam and PIR panels). The production of polyols based on by-product streams is a crucial element of sustainable development.

New Technology polyester polyols
New Technology Polyester Polyols are advanced products created through our patented method, which effectively processes by-products from other production processes. Rather than treating production residues as waste, our technology transforms them into valuable raw materials, significantly reducing the amount of chemical waste and limiting emissions of pollutants.
Our solution contributes to environmental protection and supports sustainable development. With high-quality New Technology polyester polyols, Purinova not only delivers excellent industrial products but also engages in eco-friendly initiatives that benefit both the industry and our planet.
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